The Panorama Project Advisory Council held its first meeting on Friday, July 20, 2018, to help guide the project's research activities, technical planning and development, and the growth of its organizational infrastructure. Going forward, the council will meet on a monthly basis.
The first meeting was focused on bringing council members up to speed on the project’s work to date, including the project’s three current priorities: 1) pilot research, 2) long-term planning, and 3) community outreach.
- Our pilot research projects are essential to proving our core proposition—that we can conduct the data driven research into the impact of library holdings, and that our efforts will provide valuable insights. The pilot projects also help us refine our research methodologies and they inform our long-term planning.
- Our long-term planning includes our long-term research focus, technical implementation plan, and organizational development strategy.
- Our community outreach work includes partner engagement, building industry support, and identifying and engaging people/companies/organizations who can help us.
The council provided valuable feedback and suggestions on ways to ensure that we effectively share our research plans, update the community on the work that’s underway, and engage with interested parties. With these suggestions in mind, we are working on a blog post on our current pilot projects.
The council will meet again in mid-August.